5 mIU/mL. Also s4 vision side affects scares people. YK11 + Anavar will hurt your liver greatly but at a conservative dose for a smaller length cycle, it isn’t the end of the world. My goal with the cycle is to recomp. Valheim Genshin. If you wanna add mass, do YK and LGD but if you wanna look as dry and veiny as a human testical, do YK and S23. Planning on running LGD at 5-10mgs for 8 weeks, yk11 for end of 4 weeks. Iv. 3. Our objective is to create an in-depth background of performance enhancing drugs from every background while building a community around. Thanks. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. 179LBs 5’10 10MG YK11 / 10MG LGD 8 straight weeks already. A sarm is fine as a boost to a trt regiment, but adding it to 500mg of test will cause some issues. oh look, here's a link to buy some now!! Wow how concenient. Yk11 has terrible bioavailability and it's anecdotally not really proven to do much besides give people side effects. I don’t usually get sides that aren’t manageable. The gains stick provided you use the right PCT protocol, and you can repeat your cycle after. And also people tend to combine SARMs which would just cause further suppression without much of any additive gain. They work well on a bulk. If your new to inj YK-11 start with 10mg 2xs a day Am, Pm. Injectable mk677. 5mg a day) for 60 days? I think it can be a waste 12. user10081111 • 3 yr. You're gonna want a test base to reap the full benefits of this awesome stack. RAD 140, LGD, YK11 stack. It doesn't interact with the Androgen receptor, it is almost like a dead ligand, or closer to an antagonist (in the tested muscle cells). That. So i'm thinking of starting a RAD-140 + YK-11 cycle for 12 weeks RAD at 20mg YK at 10mg. Keeps me working fine but I wish I had more of a libido. YK11 and its Effects. This thread is archived. I took YK-11 on its own (5-8 mg) and this is what I found. I've known two people to take this sarm before but say they got nothing out of it. As far as solo, the profile of YK11 doesn't appeal to me that much. And most orals can hurt your liver. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Nolva just blocks estrogen from binding to receptors on your pituitary gland so for your brain your like majorly sex hormone deprived. Also tagging in u/MezDez here as you guys and u/comicsansisunderused are probably the only ones I enjoy reading and make Reddit 100% worthwhile (compared to, ahem, r/roids and its mods’ total nonsense). Probably should take 500mg TUDCA PCT and/or 800mg of NAC on cycle until end of PCT as YK-11 is very liver toxic (more so than all actual SARMS). YK-11 (raw, without fillers) should be tasteless. Free Testosterone: 11,5 pg/mL. Gonna save the cardarine for now. This product is not the best choice for cutting, and you’ll do better with a calorie. So adding in extra sarms will more than likely do nothing gains wise but. This is the plan I have drawn up so far: 10 weeks, rad140, mk677, yk11. Has anyone here had experience running this cycle? I am currently on 300mg/week Test Enanthate and have a vial of YK11 lying around. 0 coins. Its going to give you a LOT of strength, just like RAD, AND a lot of size just lik LGD. Purerawz YK11 and enclomiphene . Hvis du er sarms only så er det bare å droppe yk11. 25mg (0. YK11 upregulated osteoblastic proliferation in a cellular study . I figured I should use it last 4 weeks of a test+tren blast of 12 weeks to get some more gains and guess what?Don't do any SARMS. The guy on the video said he had to really eat a lot because the Inj YK would make him. Yk11 is a waste of money, time and health. The following statement is nonsense: Upon reviewing how YK11 was prepared, it appears to involve a combination of DHT, Hydroxyflutamide, ascorbic acid, and β-glycerol phosphate []. then after 8 weeks PCT with nolva. But yk11 gave me very bad side effects and fucked up my blood work. Calories…I’m pretty sure My rad 140 was underdosed. S23: 12h half life (therefore split into 2 doses)It works oral. Individual battle - Rad 140 20mg vs YK11 10mg - Both with test base. Yk11 is already strong enough and ostarine would just add extra suppression. Due to the new studys findings of YK-11s poor oral bioavailability and extensive metabolism into novel progestogenic compounds I was thinking if the sublingual route would work, in theory like with many other substances that lack good oral absorption rates (bromantane e. It's the first sarms cycle i ran I started with tablets for Rad and capsules for yk11 I did 10mg yk11 and 20mg rad for the first month but at week 4 I got extremely dry joints I increased my test dosage from 300 to 450mg EW to see if it was low estrogen but it didn't help I could barely do a push up my. I plan cycles far in advance so instead of extending the cycle and then pushing pct and my blast back, I personally would take he whole dose so I can be back on track again. I inject 180mg of test a week. Decent strength gains on rad but YK gave me a fuller feeling. Its anabolic effects on both bone and muscle tissues are impressive. Obviusly huge suppression will occur. 1. Hi ped comrades I am just looking for some advices/recommendations about my first serious cycle. If I was gonna use it again ide do it as a preworkout on big lift days only. No. [deleted] • 2 yr. YK11 Vs Tren Ace. Brother, there are guys that can look good bald, and guys that can’t. YK11 a myostatin inhibitor. The only things I know about it is the oral bioavailability is pretty trash so smarter people opt for the injectable and it’s only a myostatin inhibitor so for the vast majority of people taking it they would’ve been much better off taking something else. How long should I run yk11?Im on my first cycle of LGD4033 MK677 and 4-Andro on day 23 for my next cycle I want to run yk11! How much strength will I…YK11+RAD-140 Stack With Test Base. Close. Im a beginner at sarms (never taken them b4) im 195 pounds and in good physical shape ive been lifting five days a week wantimg to add lean muscle mass to my rat and bulk him up with help from these powders. They all assured me nothing would happen. That is very short and annoying to always drip. I am wanting to stack it with Lgd 4033 (5-10mgs) or 4-Andro (wk 6-10) Which one do you all recommend? This isn’t my first sarm or prohormone cycle, just curious if anyone has run writhed for these cycles and recommend one over the other. Seems like running these two together be great. I know what a serm is and it can 100% be used as a test base for sarmsTest E + YK11. Yk11 or rad140. How would it affect PCT? What dosages were found useful if you ran a similar cycle with test base? Helpful comments are welcome! Honestly, this is more advanced. 1. Mar 17, 2021. · 2y. 86mg on day 9, and a hard 95% peak at 39. Probably the cycle may be 60 days 4+4mg YK11 (splitted) + 10mg RAD140. If your sensitive to hair loss then -30mg Ostarine (10mg for 3 weeks) -Mk-677 10-40mg/day -150mcg Vitamin D3/day -Vitamin B12 (any dosage OTC)/day -NAC 600-1200mg/day if. 5ml) enough for a 7. Definitely not a good sarm to start off with, side effects of YK11 are all pretty brutal - especially suppression wise. 5-10mg lgd is typical. help Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. Gyno Problems and SARM (YK11) questions!!! So I know I keep posting about Gyno, but I kinda was hoping to get clear answers from experienced users. I do agree that rad 140 is definitely overrated. Observations. But holly crap this stuff is strong. Thanks for your help. Anyone ever rand the 2 together? If so what were your experiences with it. You can really cripple yourself walking around with such dry joints, let alone lifting heavy. Yk-11 Injectable. 2. and the RAD once a day. Taking 30mg of Rad-140 and 10mg of YK-11. This sub is fantastically informative about sarms use in general but holy shit some of the advice around harm reduction is absolutely awful. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Just because you took a YK11 and mixed it with another sarm does not mean that this applies to all sarms in existence. 15 votes, 10 comments. Anyone tried the YK-11 injectable and enclo from purerawz? I have used this company before but I wanna hear others experiences with them. ago. I asked them if i needed test since three compounds at high does would surely suppress my natural t possibly causing low t symptoms. There's a reason you see so many mixed results from people w/YK11. Rad 140 did absolutely nothing for me and that's even at 30 mg for an extended. Okay here's the thing. mrome26 • 8 mo. Added yk11 the last 5weeks out of 10 in a surplus. Optional for advanced users: MK 677. 0 ng/dL)RAD is taken once a day, whilst YK and SR, due to their shorter half lives, are taken twice a day in equal doses. Injectable yk11 50mg ED for probably 3 months. This stack utilizes Ostarine in conjunction with YK11, and can be used for bulking, cutting, and recomping alike. Get your bloods checked to see if things look a bit out of whack just to. It's all going to be on how your body reacts. The general wisdom is that stacking SARMs is a waste, and for good reason, it’s the same reason you wouldent take multiple orals on an AAS cycle, however , since YK-11 more closely mirrors an oral steroid (or is one depending on who you ask) would it provide synergy with LGD. Also, going to be buying clomid or enclomiphene throughout the. That was a shocker. Dhea and nolva fixed low e2 sides asap. Recently I've seen a ton of people insisting YK11 is an orally available DHT derivative because of a shitty article written on More Plates More Dates. So experienced suppression as well. It helped my joints a little bit and it made me slightly tougher as well while lifting weights. YK11 - Enclomiphene - First Cycle. Jury is out whether or not YK11 is even bioavailable. I would not recommend stacking anything with TRT until the doctor figures out your baseline with dosing. Hi guys so planning my next cycle for the summer, in the past I’ve done a few diff cycles: lgd, rad mk, and test var. But this fall im thinking of doing the above bulk. Terms & Policies. Antivenom32. If this is your first cycle, it's best to always use SERMs during your SARMs cycle. lgd 4033/MK-677 Ibutamoren would be 60 capsules of each, each capsule 20 mg. ago. I’m also looking at oral not injection. Sorry no real tips for taking it solo, I'll never run sarms solo anymore. Hey guys which one is more suppression to. DannysCaffeinated • 2 yr. Hi I’ve been taking Yk11 for about 4 weeks now and have got no gains yet like barely maybe like some minor pounds of muscle How long does it take for. Rad140, mk677, YK11. Sublingual: is similar to injection, it skips the first pass through the liver and goes straight to blood. Posted by griff21112 [meta] yk11 joint pain . I would not use it anymore after 3-4 years. What I'm saying: S23 first 1-4wks then S23 & YK-11 for 5-8wks. Myostatin is a protein that prevents muscle growth. I've heard i'm going to be suppressed af if i take them alone so i'm gonna add a test base too of Test E 250mg/week. I notice there isn’t to many human studies on it. Would you recommend another type of Test instead of E for this cycle and should i lower the test dose. Hello. Superdrol is one of the most liver toxic compounds in Bodybuilding and is incredibly strong. Imo this was a. Terms & Policies. Most OTC pct products do next to nothing if you are actually in need of a pct. report. * (Note: I was doing a 12 week strength program) So this is my strength gains during the 12 week program on NO SARMS: There weren't any significant gains in size and the strength gains were alright for low dose. yeah and we have utterly no data that YK-11 is able to offset that increase over time. Disclaimer First time posting on Reddit. for yk11 users, who pushed thru past 8 weeks cycle. The claim that it affects follistatin is not well established by any means. netflixNchill. We speculated that the AR-dependent Fst induction may be responsible for the functional difference between YK11 and DHT. Joints started to hurt in the 2nd week from the rapid strength increase. By rapidly increasing the number of osteoblasts, YK11 may be able to help prevent and reverse bone wasting diseases. Insane results!Always on TRT. YK11 is both a myostatin inhibitor and a SARM making it one of the most potent SARMS you can use. Archived. I would say do some research on YK11 and some different SERMs too. I ran this for a short term until shoulder injury forced me to stop lifting for two months. My thoughts on this was that yk-11 should help with more gains due to the myostatin inhibition allowing the anabolic you use alongside to make more gains than you would have gain without yk11. Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH): 6,0 mIU/mL. Terms & Policies . Rad140 vs Yk11 . It’s extremely likely that you will need a PCT— it’s a DHT derivative and simply a steroid. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I did get aggravated and it was harder To sleep. Absolutely amazing, once again we have an example where the person got ripped in just one cycle. Great bulking cycle : lgd4 with yk11, or if you dont care about your hairs, rad140+yk11Anavar. Though if you are not fully confident in your knowledge i would advise you to get actual medical advice (aka asking a medical professional) highly doubt anyone in this subreddit (including myself) is. YK11 and Test work great together, they have a very similiar aesthetic to Tbol and Test. My yk-11 side effects . So it stands to reason that if yk11 is placed locally. IMO I would run yk11 last 4 weeks of a cycle. 15mg a day with a test booster and a liver protectant. 2 (264. The problem with asking for advice on places like that is you get people who say shit like PCT during your cycle, so you need to have enough knowledge to separate the shit advice from. YK11 and sarms in general are very new and haven't had much study on them so if anyone is concerned on YK's safety stick with a real sarm. S23 + YK11 cycle? Anyone ran this before? Have a cut coming up and either trying s23 or repeating rad and yk. So basicalkt, use YK after a cycle of RAD, LGD, Var, etcI will probably use an adjusted bulking stack next cycle, and then do a real cutting cycle after that. Japanese research has proven that this SARM can lower myostatin levels in the body. Mild. And another guy who ran something like 20mg RAD, 20mg LGD, 20mg YK11 or something like that. YK-11 is very much a research SARM and while some other compounds have moved towards human studies and trials, research on YK-11 has. Conversely, RAD 140 boasts a 60-hour half-life, which means that even if you miss your daily dosage, your blood concentration. ago. No sleep issues. What do you guys think about an 8 week cycle running 7. How would it affect PCT? What dosages were found useful if you ran a similar cycle with test base? Helpful comments are welcome! That's really dangerous. I’m currently on week 5 of 8 of of the following. Will be supplementing with OTC joint support (glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM). Apparently yk-11 causes a lot of hair shed because IIRC it’s a DHT derivative. Honest here please and message me. But with a good TEST BASE followed by PCT OR with Enclomiphene 12,5mg EOD. Felt fuller all day. There was a study showing that a 10? week cycle of tren increased myostatin by 109% or something crazy. Preferably 20mg Osta & 5mg YK both in the morning + MK677 before bed.